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Short story: We

JDJ Bachalski One day a pompous young minister used - in the presence of Edward VII - the royal pronoun "We" while referring only to himself. "Only two people are permitted to refer to themselves as 'We'," the king replied. "A king, and a man with a tapeworm inside him."

Edward VII, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1901-10), was the eldest son of Victoria and Albert. He was noted for his love affairs and extravagant living.

pompous - napuszony
a pronoun - zaimek
to refer - odnosić się, zwracać się
to permit - pozwalać
a tapeworm - tasiemiec
a love affair - romans


JDJ Bachalski "I didn't know he was dead. I thought he was British."
"Nie wiedziałem, że nie żyje. Myślałem, że jest Brytyjczykiem. "

Woody Allen


JDJ Bachalski Did you hear what the English, the Irish and the Scots did when they heard the world was coming to an end?
The English all went out and got drunk.
The Irish all went to church.
The Scots had a closing down sale.

a closing down sale - wyprzedaż likwidacyjna


JDJ Bachalski In Britain there are different national teams depending on the kind of sport. During the Olympic Games there is one team representing the United Kingdom (i.e. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and one representing the Irish Republic. In cricket there are three teams: England, Scotland, and Ireland (for both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic). In rugby there are four teams: England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The most teams, five, take part in football championships. They are England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

Britons Tongue-in-Cheek

  • 543 Brits have been admitted to hospital in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.
  • 3 Brits die each year testing if a 9V battery works on their tongue.
  • 58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.
  • 18 Brits had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.
  • 142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all the pins from new shirts

tongue-in-cheek - ironiczny, żartobliwy
to admit - tu: przyjąć
a tongue - język
a screwdriver - śrubokręt
a burn - oparzenie
to light - zapalić
a pin - szpilka


Fill in the gaps. One dash stands for one letter.

_ _ _ _ _ Elizabeth II is an Abba _ _ _ - and even has a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of records by the Swedish _ _ _ _ _. According to a Palace insider, Her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ occasionally likes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to their music. "She moves to the music," the _ _ _ _ _ _ told The Sun. The Queen's secret passion _ _ _ revealed after Prince Charles was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to watch Abba _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mamma Mia in the West End.

London Tube

Answer Key:
Queen, fan, collection, group, Majesty, dancing, source, was, invited, musical

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